Our various governance bodies reflect this cooperative philosophy:

  • an executive committee, comprising those most actively involved in Cairn.info’s strategic governance (managers and shareholders, along with independent directors, experts, and other actors invested in our ecosystem)
  • a mission committee, whose members represent the company’s key stakeholders: researchers, journal editors, publishers, booksellers, librarians, Cairn.info employees, etc.
  • a monitoring committee, which annually brings together Cairn.info’s 400-plus partner publishers.

Within these concentric decision-making, supervisory, and advisory bodies, we strive to uphold the following principles: 

  • collegiality and consensus-seeking for all decisions involving the company and its economic and social impact
  • independence from political and economic powers external to the world of research and its dissemination
  • transparency regarding access policies, usage, revenue generated, and its distribution
  • fairness and equal treatment for every partner