
Alongside algorithmic recommendations produced by artificial intelligence, has been working for several years on offering hand-curated public reading lists. Publishers on the platform can take advantage of this complimentary initiative aimed at raising user awareness of all the resources available on (journals, books, pocket editions, magazines, etc.) in a thoughtful and human way.


These public lists present coherent and organized itineraries created by experts and partner curators from journals including Le Carnet Psy or Nectart, the publishing house Érès, and Books magazine, for example. Designed as a service for users, these selections aim to:

  • facilitate learning on a current topic
  • help readers understand a given issue
  • review the key issues of a specific concept


Ecofeminism (DARD/DARD)
A philosophical and political movement uniting feminism and environmentalism, ecofeminism identifies common roots to the domination of women by the patriarchy and the destruction of nature by capitalism.

Guidance and support for parents (Le carnet Psy)
What kind of support is available for parents? From the early days to the end of adolescence, where can they turn to for guidance? How can the process of parenting be supported?

The psychodynamics of work (Érès)
Informed by contributions from psychoanalysis, ergonomics, and the social sciences, the psychodynamics of work involves dynamic analysis of the psychic processes that are mobilized when the subject is confronted with the realities of work. Is work synonymous with both pleasure and suffering?

Children and screens (Books)
Research into high levels of screen time indicates a negative impact on academic performance, increased aggression toward other children, reduced sleep, and lower quality relationships.

Regional cultural policies (Nectart)
While cultural policy has been established by the state since the French Revolution, decentralization over the past 50 years has placed greater responsibility on local authorities for cultural matters, including financially.

Capture d'écran - Liste de lecture sur les politiques culturelles territoriales reading lists also publishes an annual reading list featuring the top 20 most consulted journal articles in the 60 days following their online release.