Ghislaine Chartron

  • Professor at CNAM, Director of the Institut National des Techniques de documentation (National Institute of Documentation Techniques)
Guillaume Gandelot

Guillaume Gandelot

  • Bookseller at La Friche bookstore, former president of the board of directors of the École de la Librairie (Professional School of Bookselling)
Julie Gazier

Julie Gazier

  • Director of Sciences Po University Press, member of the Observatoire de l’Edition Scientifique (Scientific Publishing Observatory)
Marc Minon

Marc Minon

  • Founder and former CEO of
  • Independent director
Marie Rose Moro

Marie Rose Moro

  • Child psychiatrist, professor of child and adolescent psychiatry (Université Paris Cité), director of the Maison de Solenn (Paris), scientific director of the journal L’Autre
Valérie Peugeot

Valérie Peugeot

  • Associate professor at Sciences Po, member of the CNIL, the data protection authority for France
Jean-Christophe Peyssard

Jean-Christophe Peyssard

  • Head of the media library at the Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l’homme (Mediterranean Center for Human Sciences)
Sébastien Borda

Pauline Rébéna

  • Publisher relations manager,
Lamine Sarr

Lamine Sarr

  • Co-founder of Nouvelles Editions Numériques Africaines (NENA; New African Digital Publishing), publishing director
Bruno Schmutz

Bruno Schmutz

  • Director of studies and forecasting at Arcom