
All active titles from the prestigious “Que sais-je?” (PUF) and “Repères” (La Découverte) collections are now accessible on, totaling more than 1,500 titles. Access to these titles via a package subscription also guarantees access to all new releases and reissues of these collections, as they are made available online.


  • “general” package
  • “Que sais-je?” package
  • “Repères” package
  • “economics, management, and finance” package
  • “sociology, ethnology, and demography” package
  • “history, geography, and the arts” package
  • “political science and law” package
  • “philosophy and religion” package
  • “psychology and psychoanalysis” package
  • “literature and linguistics” package
  • “science, technology, and medicine” package
  • “social work” package

La Boutique

To facilitate the tracking, acquisition, and promotion of its expansive collection, has developed a specific tool: The Boutique ( This tool enables libraries to:

  • track the release of “new” titles
  • compile title bundles and prepare quotes
  • export individual or multiple titles (CSV, MARC)
Capture d'écran - Page d'accueil La Boutique 01/02/2024