



Cairn.info is a digital library and leading platform for Francophone scholarly publishing. It aims to promote high-quality research while fostering the independence and diversity of actors within the knowledge ecosystem.


  • empower authors, publishers, and institutions to play their role in the dissemination of knowledge to the fullest
  • increase the global reach of Francophone research
  • promote interdisciplinary openness in the service of discovery and creativity
  • guarantee accessibility of knowledge for the widest possible readership
  • develop innovative and sustainable models for content distribution

Cairn.info was officially designated a mission-driven company in 2023.

  • Concept
    The status of "mission-driven company" is granted to companies that include social and/or environmental objectives in their bylaws and update their operating methods to ensure this mission is fulfilled. Beyond merely seeking profit, a mission-driven company aims to make a positive contribution to society or the environment.

    Article 176 of the law dated May 22, 2019 on corporate growth and transformation (PACTE Law) introduced the status of mission-driven company. Companies aspiring to this status must publicly declare their purpose, along with one or more social and environmental objectives that it commits to pursuing as part of its activities. Both elements must be included in the company’s articles of incorporation and submitted to the relevant commercial court, in accordance with the procedures outlined in Decree No. 2020-1 of January 2, 2020. The company will then be listed as a mission-driven company in the SIRENE database (directory of businesses and establishments).


Alban Cerisier

Jean-Baptiste de Vathaire

Deputy CEO
Thomas Parisot


Annual report

Latest annual report, available for download in PDF format: juin 2024.

Press releases

Find our press releases, analyses, and news on the News page.

Key facts and figures

We’ve compiled a list of key facts and figures by topic. Below are the main figures summing up Cairn.info and its recent activities. 

Articles and interviews

Social media

Top 20 articles

The 20 articles most consulted on Cairn.info by institutional users during the 60 days following online publication, excluding bots and repeat visits.


Cairn.info’s graphic identity is based on a logo comprising a stylized cairn next to the site’s URL, now the official company name.

Logo Cairn.info (horizontal)
  • Definition
    A cairn is a pyramid of stones built by explorers as a landmark and physical record of their passage through an area. They are created and maintained over time by hikers who each add their own stone to this collaboratively constructed structure in order to guide those who follow.

    Picture of a cairn in the Pyrenees mountain range

    Found worldwide, this practice can be seen as a metaphor for the pursuit of knowledge: articles and books gradually map out fields of knowledge and serve as markers for others. Founded by a group of publishers seeking to pool their efforts and build on the benefits of the digital revolution, the Cairn.info portal embodies this trailblazing spirit.

Monochrome versions are also employed to denote specific disciplinary fields (exclusively in French).

Download the logos
ZIP file of the logo in the following formats: positive/negative, horizontal/vertical, color/monochrome.