Authors provides services to authors, including profile pages (featuring a short biography and details of their publications on the portal), electronic reprints, and filmed interviews (Cairn Talks).
Author page
Tous les auteur(e)s dont une publication est diffusée sur disposent d'une page publique sur le portail.

Authors on
Affiliations et métriques
Default page
All authors on have a public page on the portal that automatically features the information we receive from their publishers:
- institution (main affiliation)
- publications (articles, chapters, dossiers, and talks available on
- viewing data for these publications
- ORCID and IdRef identifiers
- Identifiants ORCID et IdRef

IdRef - Identifiers and Repositories for Higher Education and Research
IdRef is a public interface for consulting authority records produced by member institutions of the French higher education and research documentary networks (Sudoc, Calames, Star). IdRef is available for authorized professional users to create/correct/enrich authority records. IdRef also provides a range of freely available services to facilitate data reuse (triplestore, OAI-PMH repository, APIs).
Open Researcher and Contributor ID
ORCID is an international non-profit organization backed by a diverse community of research organizations, publishers, funders, professional associations, and other actors in the research ecosystem. ORCID provides a registry of unique and persistent identifiers for researchers and authors of scholarly works. ORCID identifiers streamline trustworthy and transparent connections between researchers, their contributions, and their affiliations.
Custom author pages
Authors who wish to do so can create a account to access and edit their public page. They will then be able to:
- upload a photo
- include links to personal websites and social network profiles
- post an introductory text
- create public reading lists
- activate a contact form via
Permanent access
Whenever a publication is uploaded to the platform, automatically notifies contributing authors via email (as long as a valid address is provided by the publisher). If the author has a verified account (i.e., they have logged in and validated their author page), they will automatically receive permanent access to the full text of the relevant article.
For articles with conditional access (and unless otherwise specified by the publisher), each contributor receives an exclusive electronic reprint link for personal use. These links grant free access to the full text of the article, with or without a account, for up to 30 days after publication. This makes it easy for authors to share their work with their professional network.

Electronic reprints are subject to the general terms of use of our platform and limited to non-commercial use.