
To facilitate access to the works of Francophone authors with a particular following on, since 2021 the content production team has produced a series of streamed interviews. These talks provide an opportunity for scholarly dialogue between authors and specialized journalists.

Lasting around 90 minutes and typically followed by a Q&A session with participants, these talks also facilitate remote exchanges with internet users worldwide, particularly from Africa and Quebec.


The live stream is freely accessible, with replay available for up to 30 days after the interview, following which time access to the video is reserved for members of our client institutions and Cairn Pro subscribers.

The talks are segmented, indexed, and referenced directly on so that they appear in search results. Users can also search for specific terms mentioned by speakers during the interview through the Search in Video feature.


Free excerpts are also permanently available, both on our platform and on the YouTube channel:



Both before and after each event, a multichannel communication campaign is rolled out to inform the entire community:

  • targeted emails to 20,000–30,000 opt-in users
  • posts on our Facebook, LinkedIn, and X pages
  • promotion via our client institutions

As well as links to the relevant author pages, our partner curators produce reading lists and dossiers covering the topics discussed during the talks. Users can thus delve further into topics raised by the author via wider reading on the site.

Publications mentioned during the interview itself can also be accessed directly from the video player via clickable links that appear temporarily in the top right corner of the image.

Capture d'écran - Ouvrage mis en avant dans la rencontre auteur avec Catherine Chabert



To assist professionals, scholars, and interested internet users in discovering the wealth of content available on our platform, is also engaged in producing podcasts—in particular derived from the Cairn talks—to present academic work in a different format and inspire further reading.

More information to follow on this subject during 2024.