As part of its mission, has set itself the goal of promoting interdisciplinary openness in the service of discovery and creativity.
Sciences humaines et sociales
Depuis 2005, consacre ses efforts à mettre en lumière la qualité et la diversité des travaux francophones en sciences humaines et sociales. Cela concerne notamment l'anthropologie, les arts, l'économie, la géographie, la gestion, l'histoire, les sciences de l'information, la linguistique, la littérature, la philosophie, la psychologie, la santé publique, les sciences de l'éducation, la science politique, la sociologie, le sport ou encore le travail social.
Sciences, techniques et médecine
In addition to the humanities and social sciences, expanded in 2022 to include formal sciences, natural sciences, and engineering.
In response to needs expressed by both university libraries and publishing houses, has launched a new platform, Cairn Sciences, dedicated to works in mathematics, physics, chemistry, life sciences, and engineering. More than 1,500 titles were available at launch, from the catalogs of a broad range of publishers, including Dunod, De Boeck, EDP Sciences, Lavoisier, Odile Jacob, Ellipses, and Flammarion.
Droit et Administration
To continue to meet growing demand from publishers and libraries in fields outside the humanities and social sciences, will soon be expanding its catalog in the fields of law, administration, medicine, and the life sciences, accessible on the same terms as its existing collections: